Some people think that being a Christian and a member of the Police Force are incompatible. This normally arises from the misconception that Christians in the Police Force would have to compromise their faith in some way, but this is not so. We believe that by maintaining a strong relationship with God we can overcome temptation and having fellowship with other believers doing the same job is a means to that end.
I know that when I joined the NSW Police I felt this way. In fact I was on the attack of Christians in our police force. Couldn’t see how, in the environment we were in that God was actually there! I worked hard and went into plain clothes early on in my career.
I can remember so many circumstances of violence andtragedy and couldn’t put the two together. Later in life I went to church because of family and thought that someone had to live in the real world and keep it safe for these people to enjoy the luxury of their faith.
When I took the blinkers off and had a look around, I saw that a number of my workmates relied on alcohol, had relationship issues and several were divorced. So I don’t think they had their act as together as they portrayed. I found Christ through personal and family crisis, which is another story. At the age of 32 being in coronary care gives you a whole different perspective on life. I went on to lead a full and rewarding career of some 32 years in the south western suburbs of Sydney. Geoffrey Allen